Monday, June 5, 2017

Hello!!! This week has been so great! More and more people are coming back to campus, so thats been exciting! Weekends are a little rough cause there are like zero people on campus, but then we just get to talk to literally every single person we see!
We had such a cool experience this week! We needed to find new solid investigators, and so we were sitting on our porch swing finishing up companion study and decided that it was time we find some new people to teach. So we said a prayer, and then started walking to campus. And we talked to this girl named Aaliyah! Shes so cute and so prepared! And the next time we met with her she said she had been going through a hard time and last week had started to read her bible and pray and that she knew meeting us wasn't a coincidence! We will let yall know how she progresses!!
We are going rock climbing today as a zone! Ill send pics next week hopefully hah:)
Love yall!!
Sister Smith