Monday, May 29, 2017

mouse attack!!!

This week was so wonderful:) It is definitely getting warmer here:) and more humid, but I love it! I am just getting some awesome tan lines! We are biking everyday and I don't think Ive ever been more exhausted in my whole life, but I wouldn't change it for the world. The work we are doing is so worth it!

So this week we saw a mouse run across our floor!! So we put out a trap and put a huge dollop peanut butter on it. And over the next few days we didn't catch anything- but we definitely started noticing the peanut butter was disappearing! And then we put a goldfish cracker on the trap and the next day it was gone! So here we are, trying to catch this thing, and really we are just feeding it. So gross. So we got a sticky trap today. Hopefully that works. But so gross right?

Recently I have been studying the conference talks, and one of Elder Eyring's talks about peace has this wonderful quote in it, "You will at times have your faith challenged by Satan; it happens to all disciples of Jesus Christ. Your defense against these attacks is to keep the Holy Ghost as your companion. The Spirit will speak peace to your soul. He will urge you forward in faith. And He will bring back the memory of those times when you felt the light and the love of Jesus Christ." Keeping the Holy Ghost with us at all times will help us to remember. When we forget, we become like all the people in the Book of Mormon that missionaries preach to. So just remember all the tender mercies He has shown us- because this gospel is so true.

Love yall!!! Have a great week!!!

Sister Smith