Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Best week ever!!

It has been the absolute best week ever!!!

Remington is coming along great. He came to every activity this week and to church and to the worldwide devotional and hangs out with the ward members frequently. (perks of being in a ysa ward- you dont even have to ask for fellowship). He loves what is being taught, now he just needs to recognize his answer!! 

We also just got transfer calls! I am staying at OSU! And I am training again!!! I am so excited!!! Training is the absolute best thing ever. I cant wait! Definitley a little nervous cause campus is gonna be deserted so its gonna be a lot of tracting but we will get to learn how to work with members more!! 

One area that I grew so much in was Ada (well- ive grown in every area haha) but I think specifically in that small, hick, redneck town. I love that place. I learned so much how to listen to the spirit and receive revelation. I distinctly remember a time (i know each of us has had or will have this experience) when me and my comp werent really getting along. And I had no idea what to do. So I prayed. I dont think I have ever prayed with more sincerity or intent then I did at that time. I had direct thoughts as to what I needed to do to change and to implement. And as I did those things, revelation would come more and more frequently, like when we were driving in the car and we would be listening to hymns or whatever! I know God wants to direct our paths even more than He is now, but we just have to open ourselves and let Him. 

I love yall, thanks for your support!

Sister Smith​