Monday, May 15, 2017

This week has been so great! I love my little grean bean:) Shes just the best! We have been doing a lot of biking and a lot of role playing:) 

2 Nephi 9
50 Come, my brethren, every onthat thirstethcome ye to the watersand he that hath no moneycome buy and eat; yea, come buy wine and milk withoumoney and without price.

God doesn't care where we are at in our lives. He bids us to come to Him. We can choose to continue to be parched and without water, or we can choose Christ, and be forever satisfied. He doesn't ask much, just for us to try. His love us endless and all encompassing. 

I love yall! So great to talk to yall yesterday! Keep reading the Book of Mormon every day!

Sister Smith