Saturday, April 29, 2017

Hello!!!!! This week was awesome!!!

We have been focusing on having more quality conversations with people and talking more about the gospel with them before inviting them to learn more and we have definitely seen the effects of it! We have so many more solid people to teach and are excited to see this continue.

Some of our investigators are getting so close to baptism! Please pray for Remington- he really wants to know, just is having a hard time recognizing his answer. But we had such a cool lesson with him this week. The spirit was so strong! We watched the restoration video with him and then answered all his questions. And this week he came to a baptism and he loved it!

Campus is getting very interesting because this upcoming week is dead week (the week before finals where teachers aren't supposed to give any more huge assignments) and then the next week is finals! so idk if anyone will talk to us!!

Hope yall have a great week! Love yall!

Sister Smith

ps- this is when we did service a few weeks ago when we were doing splits in Ponca City. And this lady had a bag of deer that her son had shot and it was rotting and so smelled so gross!!! Also Elder Lloyd who went to LP is serving in Ponca- so fun #LPOD