Saturday, April 22, 2017

Happy Saturday!!

This week has been the greatest! We have talked to so many people and walked so much and got so sunburnt- oh my goodness. I love it!

One of my favorite scriptures is in Enos! We were teaching an investigator about the holy ghost, about how he would receive an answer. And I think we all will have a similar experience to Enos. None of us are perfect, and sometimes we see so many around us who are happy, and we ask ourselves, "Why am I not happy?" Once our souls hunger for joy, for that peace that the world so easily takes away, we pray mightily. And God will always be there and say to us, "its okay. come unto me and find joy." I know God is waiting for us to come to Him. So that's my challenge this week- go pray. Find a secret place and pray and then listen. He will answer.

We saw such a cool miracle the other day! So we were riding buses and talking to whoever sat next to us and met a girl named Madison! And then she got off before we could get her number, so we went back a couple of days later at the same time on the bus to try to find her and we did! And the first thing she said to us was, "I was hoping I would see you again! I forgot to get yalls number!" So yay! We are meeting with her on Tuesday!

Love yall!!

Sister Smith