Saturday, April 15, 2017

Hello!! Happy Easter!!!

So this week has been a lot more successful in getting new investigators! I feel like for every 10 new investigators we get, only 1 of them is solid and will text us back and actually be interested.

I think a lot of people are scared to find out if this gospel is true. They are comfortable where they are at. That's one thing I have really learned this week. Satan has all the people on his side as well as the fence sitters. Gods whole plan is progression, and so when we aren't progressing, we are letting the devil win. So continue to read your scriptures and study and learn so we can be on God side.

We also went on exchanges this week to Ponca City! It was so great! Mostly though, I just love the sisters there. They make it so wonderful! I love that I am able to be so close to a bunch of sisters. What a great opportunity to learn from all of them!

And the best part about our week- we got soaked in the rain:) Love the OK storms!

Love yall!!