Saturday, April 8, 2017

OSU is the bestest!!!!

Hey yall!!
I am loving OSU more and more as I talk to more and more crazies every day! Hah I totally forgot that colleges bring in all types of people, and sometimes we are just dying laughing on campus seeing these children of God. I love it.
We had such a cool lesson with one of our investigators! His name is Ali, and we have been trying to help him feel the Holy Ghost and come to know for himself that this is God's church. So we read 3 Ne 11 with him and talked about why we leave commitments, how we feel the Holy Ghost, and then just testified! The Spirit was so strong, and after this incredible lesson, he texted us and said that he knew the spirit was there! It was great:)
Me and Sister Atkinson are just having a ball together. I just love her!
This week I was studying, and lately I have had to give so many trainings and so I just felt a little tired physically, emotionally, and spiritually. As I was reading in 1 Ne 17, and verse 3 really stuck out to me. "And if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God, He doth nourish them and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they may accomplish the thing which he has commanded them." I know that in times in our lives, we get tired. But I also know that when we keep the commandments, God will be with us and give us the strength that we need to continue!
Love yall! Thanks for all your support and prayers!
Sister Smith