Monday, March 13, 2017

This week was such a great week!!! 

We have been busy biking in the freezing and knocking so many doors- probably more doors than I have knocked my whole mission! Its been a real learning experience!

We had such a cool miracle happen while we were knocking! So we knock on this door, and we start talking, and they invite us in. Its a few young adults, in their late teens, early twenties. And so we teach them the restoration. And they talk about their tribal religion and they said they would pray about the BOM and Joseph Smith! And then like one minute after we finished, the father walks in, and we stand up to shake his hand, and he says, "thanks for coming, you can leave now." and we're like, what???? so rude. haha but the young adults were all interested so were gonna go back:) 

And then on post on Sunday was great! I taught the Plan of Salvation, and these two soldiers were so interested and asking the best questions. So pray for them that they will be able to receive their answer! Their names are Roma and.... dang. i cant remember the other ones name:( but pray for them both! 

Love you!!

Have a good week! 

ps- the pics are from last monday. we went to medicine park- which is a cute little touristy town with fun little shops!