Monday, March 6, 2017

Happy Monday!!!

Shout out to my very best friend who is now in the MTC! Love you hannah banana:) Go kill it. 

This week was so great! We committed James, one of our new investigators, to baptism! As we were teaching him, he was just so cute! Hes this 60 year old black guy, and he kept saying, "Why didnt anyone tell me? I didnt know all of this! This feels so right!" He has to work through a few things before he can get baptized, but he really has a desire to change. 

I had the coolest experience on post on Sunday. So one soldier that I taught got baptized. Hes the coolest! I didnt even know all of his conversion story, but he was going through the lessons again and shared his experience. He had this memory of telling his friend about how God came to the Americas when he was sitting on the bus when he was 9 years old. (But he didnt remember how he knew that) And that memory didnt come back until we talked about the book of mormon. And as he was reading he felt so overwhelmed by the spirit. Daniels is so great! Its been so fun to see how much he has changed even though it was like three weeks. He is so happy now:)

Love yall so much! 

Sister Smith