Monday, January 16, 2017

Shout out to the best mom in the whole world!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!

We went to the temple on Tuesday! I always forget how incredible that place is until I go. I am so grateful for the peace and the comfort we feel inside the house of the Lord. If yall havent gone in a while, then GO! Its better than anything in the whole world. 

Me and Sister Unga have been getting along great! She is so wonderful, and also a baller:) So we play ball with the elders on pday sometimes and totally hold out own. Its the best! 

This morning I was reading in Moses, when he sees God and is transfigured. And then Satan comes and tries to imitate God, and Moses is like, "seriously?" He had seen the glory of God and Satan definitely couldnt even compare. And then Satan throws a temper tantrum. How cool would that be right? To be so righteous and to not even give Satan the time of day that he throws a temper tantrum? So let us live our lives in a manner to give God the glory and let Satan take the back seat, ya? I promise that the way to do so is to read our scriptures every day, do our home teaching and visiting teaching, talking with God, going to the temple, loving our families. 

I love yall so much! Thanks for all your support! The missionary work out here in Lawton is booming:) It brings me so much joy! 

Sister Smith