Monday, January 23, 2017


So this week has flown! We are teaching so so much! 

We went over to one of our new gators homes to teach them the restoration (and we had a member with us) and as soon as we were seated, she told us that she wasnt interested in studying about our church. She is from Thailand, and said that when she was trying to read the bible she couldnt even make it through Genesis because it was too confusing. But then she said that she had made us dinner. So we ate some really good Vietnamese food called pho. Way good. And then the member that was with us (shes from Fiji) said that until she read the Book of mormon in Fijian that she couldnt really understand it. So this gator said that she wanted to read the BOM in Thai. So hopefully we can find one of those. 

I think one of the hardest things out here on the mission is that everyone just tries to get money from churches, not just ours, but every single church. So thats been super frustrating because sometimes I think people just use us to get financial aid. SO not cool. 

Every week I teach on post I just love it more and more and now I actually want to go back and teach these amazing soldiers! They are so incredible! The spirit is so strong- stronger than any other sacrament meeting I have ever been in. 

We also did service for this lady who is such a hoarder. Like her whole house is stacked to the ceiling with stuff. We didnt even make a dent. haha oh the places yall go on a mission. :)

Love you!! Know that when we are living the gospel, we can be happy in any situation. 

Sister Smith