Monday, November 7, 2016

Happy Monday everyone!!

We had a super cool experience this week. About a month or so ago we met this lady named Pat (literally everyone is named Pat or Linda haha).  We have tried to see her a few times, but its never been a good time cause she just finished with chemo and something was wrong with her foot or something. Anyways. We stopped by this week and she said that she was on pg 86 of the Book of Mormon!! so are gonna see her this week and teach her! yay!

I hope y'all have a great week! I challenge you all to have a missionary experience this week. Share a scripture, a happy thought or whatever with anyone!!!! It will brighten your day and theirs!

Love,  Sister Smith  

A letter from Carley to her 13 year old sister:

"Adalyn,  How are you? I love love love your emails.  Do you know blessed you are to be growing up in an incredible family with lots of parents and siblings to love you?  You live in a super nice house and are well provided for.  On thing I have learned from being in Ada is to be grateful for the way I was raised.  I have been in some houses infested with cockroaches and bed bugs and dog hair everywhere.  I know sometimes I complained about mom being a clean freak  or that she gave us too many cleaning jobs but now I see it is awesome!  If you don't clean--bugs come!  Another thing I have learned is how important it is to smile!  People want to be around you more and just by smiling it can make you happier!  I know on the days i smile more we talk to more people and more people want to hear our message.  Anyway, I love you and hope this letter brings you joy!  Love your favorite sisiter (missionary)"