Sunday, November 20, 2016

 Shout out to Hannah for going on a mission!!! so pumped for my best friend, and the best thing about it is that we are sisters!!! so were stuck together forever!!!! yay!

This week was wonderful! Miracles for days! 

We have been teaching a part member family. The wife is not a member, and we've been teaching her for three months! and so we went in there on Friday, and she told us she knew the Book of Mormon was true, and so we were super bold with her! but so loving so its ok:) and helped her make the connection that if the Book of Mormon is true, and we are the only religion that has it, then our religion must be truer, if not the only true, church on the earth because it has more truth than the other churches! and so much more stuff- but it was an incredible lesson. and then once we got home, about 30 mins after the lesson, the husband, the member- said they want to start coming to our church, and not going to theirs. it was so cool!!!!

Today for pday we went to Seminole to play sports with the missionaries there! it was so fun! 

Love y'all! 

sister smith

ps- the pic with my hand next to a bug was seriously that huge and was IN SOMEONES HOME and I put my hand there- idk what i was thinking!!!