Monday, October 31, 2016

We switched name tags for our Halloween Costume!

Happy Halloween!!

We had such a great week. I have never been happier!! I know I keep saying that- but its so true. Your joy will only increase as you live the gospel. 

We were teaching Sonya the plan of salvation and only got like half way through because we brought an okie talker and she is an "Okie talker" haha. But at the end she looked at me and sister Herrin, and then at Sister Childers (the fellowshipper) and said that "ever since these two ladies have been coming by and talking to me, I haven't had the desire to drink. I've always been one to drink everyday, especially when I am stressed." And she hasn't had a drink since we have been meeting with her and we haven't even told her about the word of wisdom! How great is it that the atonement works on people continually? How blessed are we to be a part of His true gospel?

We also had a baptism this weekend! His name is Tim, and even though the elders taught him, we were the ones who got him to read and to church and stuff:) So it was cool to have a baptism with the elders and see how Tim connected with each of us and how all of us were so needed. 

Love y'all so dearly! I cant believe how fast time has gone! Its already Halloween! Siblings- I want pics of all your costumes!

Sister Smith