Monday, October 24, 2016

Hey! Happy Monday !!

This week has been absolutely amazing! We went on exchanges this week, so another sister who is so fresh came to Ada and we saw so many cool miracles. We helped one lady mow her lawn who has been through some rough stuff and then we taught her the gospel and she is pretty solid! Her name is Linda:) So pray for her!

The investigator from Nepal is named Dinesh! I cant even say his last name. But hes cool! 

Ada is incredible! The elders have a baptism this Saturday but I would definitely count it as ours too. Tim is so great! Ill send pics next week!

This week we had dinner with a member family and they invited a family of gators to come as well and for our spiritual thought we all bore our testimonies about the book of mormon. It was so incredible to see each persons testimony and the growth that came from reading the book of mormon. So this week I want each of you to read the book of mormon and pray about it every day and I promise that your testimony with only be strengthened!

Love yall!

Sister Smith