Tuesday, July 12, 2016

I am getting transferred ! I am going to Ada south and my comps name is Sister Nelson or Nilson or something! I heard shes kinda crazy! haha but I am so excited to do missionary work with her! I am so sad to leave Oklahoma City 3rd and all of our investigators and members and less activies  because I love them so much! But I am so excited to have new experience and meet new people and grow tons more!

We met our new mission pres this week! They are both so awesome! Hes been changing some things up- which we are all so pumped about. We can listen to anything that Deseret Book sells! And on Mondays we only have to do personal study so we can have more time to do the things we need to do! And he told us sisters that he wants us to work out in the morning and look the best we can so he told us to not leave the apartment until 10 15 so we can have extra time in the morning to get ready! yay!!  

Beverly got baptized! It was so an incredible experience! Ill send pics! She had to get dunked three times cause her pant leg kept coming out of the water and it was hilarious! but she kept saying how she felt different and clean and better! It was so cute! I love her to pieces!

We have seen so many miracles this week! Ill share just one! We were doing some finding and we were about to head in for dinner. We had talked to everyone and no one was very interested. So we decided to knock on one last door and we met a family and taught them a little and are coming back tomorrow to teach them! It was awesome!

Love you!

Sister Smith