Thursday, June 30, 2016

More commandments...more blessings

Hello everyone!

This week I was studying about obedience. I was reading in DC 59, and it said that those that are obedient will be given commandments that are not a few. So if we are obedient, we get more commandments from the Lord! Sounds not fun right? But the reason we have commandments is so we can receive blessings. So He is just giving us more opportunities to receive more blessings because He loves us so much!

This week has been full of hard work and miracles! We taught so much! I don't ever want to leave! It has been hard to see Satan working so hard on those that are progressing, but the Lord works even harder on them. One cool experience we had is with Beverly, the lady who has a baptismal date. She had some things come up and called us one night crying. She told us how much she wanted to be baptized, but that she has to work through some things. So we testified of the blessings that come from living the gospel, not just for a week, but her whole life. Were excited to see how she overcomes this!

This week I have realized (again) the importance of education and the benefits from working and supporting yourself and your family. Its worth it in the end even if you don't like school- its so important!

I am grateful to have grown up in such a blessed situation with a wonderful family and in a wonderful environment. Love you all,  Sister Smith

A picture of the storm into which we will ride our bikes!