Monday, June 20, 2016

Last Monday we had zone p-day and then a special training meeting with our zone! It was a blast! We played sports (because our zone is mostly elders) and almost got smooshed by all of the super competitive elders. The stake president and stake relief society pres spoke, and it was such a good reminder that we need to work with the leaders. Missionary work is best accomplished when we have the help of the members.

We set a baptism date with one of our investigators & she seems pretty solid! Her name is Beverly & she said that all her questions that she had as a child that she thought could never be answered were answered! I guess its kinda cool that this gospel has all the answers ;)

I saw Stephanie Jensen (well, Waltman) at stake conference on Saturday night!!!

One thing I have learned from my companion is to ask more questions. Miracles happen when you do. Its hard to ask a lot of questions here because people already talk so much so when they pause to take a breath you just gotta jump on in there. But I realized it doesn't matter how long a lesson is, as long as we bring the spirit and invite all to come unto Christ.

One thing I am going to do when I am married is speak with love to my husband and to my kids. While I have been here I have seen some homes where that doesn't happen, and the spirit is definitely not there, even if its a member. Kids don't understand when you just yell at them. So I hope I remember this when I have kids but we'll see haha ;)

Okies are so nice. I saw this a lot this week because it was hot and humid. Random people came up to us and gave us water, Gatorade and vitamin water and some other cold drink but it had green tea in it... so we gave that to the grass.

Thank you for the packages and the letters and gift cards! Yall are so great! It really made my week!

Love, Sister Smith