Monday, June 13, 2016

Gifts from above

Hey everyone! 

This week was amazing even though a family of investigators dropped us and a lot of appointments fell through.. so ya know.. the usual! But we have seen so many miracles- no dogs chased us this week, we visited with a lot of less actives, we did so much service and taught lessons on doorsteps.

One funny moment we had was when we were trying to find a potential because we were in the area. I found her first when Sister Erickson, and I were knocking doors my first transfer, so its been a long time! We had knocked a lot of times before, but no one answered. This time we rang the door bell and she answered! And she has been reading the Book of Mormon and we taught her the restoration. She just wasn't answering before because she's old and couldn't hear the knocks! During the lessons, my comp was talking about reformers who translated the bible and my comp said Calvin Harris instead of John Calvin... (she loves music). She (the investigator)  didn't know the difference cause shes old but we couldn't look at each other otherwise we would have bust up laughing! But it was such a testimony of how we are not perfect teachers, and the Spirit makes up the rest.
Another funny moment was when we were waiting for the elders to pick us up from our apartment and we were sitting on the steps reading the bible and I felt something hit my shirt and a bird had pooped on me!! So my comp laughed and I half laughed and half cried.

We tried to visit a less active in our ward, and every time we have gone over there, no one has answered, and this week someone did! But after talking to them we realized we didn't have the right building. So that was hilarious.

The Book of Mormon is so important in our lives and was written for us. I love applying Alma 24 to me personally. What weapons of war do we need to bury? How can reading the scriptures give us the power to keep them buried?

Love you!

Sister Smith