Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wasn't general conference so so so wonderful!!?? It was like Christmas morning, but with less chocolate. My companion and I loved Elder Hollands talk, and its perfect for some of our less actives that we are teaching.

Everything in Oklahoma looks like the road. It's empty and flat.

We went to the zoo!!! 

The flamingos are pretty cool.

Also the ant eater is my fav animal....cause I hate ants.

If you want pics of anything special you want let me know:)

 I tried fried okra. That is the one food I think is so gross. The taste is fine, but the texture is soooo slimy. ewww.  Also, I don't like when meals are all fried food. That is not my fav. Like one night we had fried chicken, rolls, fried okra, fries, and gravy. So that was a new experience. But at least now I know right?

Ross, in answer to your questions, our apartment is really nice! But I keep forgetting to take a pic of it, so I will try to remember this week. My favorite piece of clothing to wear is my tight black and white skirt with my black flowy top. Biking in flowy skirts is a skill I have not yet quite mastered. So when my skirts are tighter they stay more in place:)

 The hardest thing I have to accept about those we are teaching is that sometimes they just don't do it! Like they don't pray to know if the BOM is true.  We told them that's how they will receive their answer. or reading the BOM or coming to church. Sometimes they just don't do it. So the next time we visit them, we do it with them or find where they are hung up on it. I have to keep reminding myself that they have lives outside of spreading the gospel, so maybe they really are busy;)

One spiritual experience we had this week and kinda last week but I forgot to tell you was with Brenda. Her and her soon to be ex husband are less active and a few months ago the sisters were stopping by every week but they weren't interested. But we were in the area and had a long list of names that we wanted to meet and see. she wasn't on that list, but we weren't really feeling like going to see those on the list. My comp was thinking about others who lived near us and thought of them. We biked over to see them and when she opened the door you could tell she had kinda been crying. As we talked to her, she broke down so went in and she told us her story. Her husband had been abusive and she was trying to finalize the divorce and she lost her job. She didn't know what she needed to do next, or where she was supposed to move to. She had been praying to know what she should do next when we knocked on her door! (Things like this really happen, I had no idea). So we are giving her the lessons again and we watched conference with her! Shes so solid.

So moral of the story, enjoy mom's salads, and her good cooking. and listen to the spirit.
Love you all so much! Thanks again for the support and letters and packages!

Sister Smith