Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A new companion is coming...

This week has been fabulous!!! In the last couple of weeks all of our investigators dropped us. We have been focusing on less actives, but we seriously needed more people to teach. It was cool to see that when we prayed about that, listed specific places to tract and specific things to do to find new investigators, Heavenly Father blessed us. We have some solid potentials and even more less actives that we are working with.

So it's transfers this week! Usually trainers stay with their trainees for two transfers, but my companion is going to be an STL in Stillwater and so someone else is coming to finish my training and then I am going to take over the area! Even after six weeks I feel like I don't know anyone. So this is going to be difficult, but I am also super excited to learn more and keep growing. I'm gonna miss my comp so much! We are best friends!

I heard this really great quote. "Negativity is the root of discouragement and discouragement is a characteristic of the devil."
Remember that Heavenly Father does not leave us alone, he loves us and wants the best for us. Don't get caught up in the thought that everything that happens is because "its god's will". NO! it's God's will for us to be happy. some blessings are dependent upon us praying and asking for them.

Love you all! Hope you have a great, positive, discouragement - free week!

Sister Smith