Monday, April 25, 2016

Dead stinky squirrels are not the hardest part of my mission...

Hey guys!

Wow this week was tough! As I am leading out an area, that means that mostly I plan what we are going to do the next day (because my new comp doesn't know the area), AND I HAVE TO LEAD US. LIKE BY USING A MAP. It is the hardest thing I have done on a mission... one of the most stressful things I have ever done because we get lost and then I feel like we are wasting time because it takes forever to get places because we both have no idea where we are going. So I am really focusing on studying the map at nights and at lunch so we don't have to stop so much. But I know that through the atonement, Christ can help me overcome this.

My new comp SisMitchell is so awesome!! She's been out for six months and so for some things we are both still learning. She is so outgoing and inspires me to be better. We also have a lot of similar views on stuff and I know we are going to be great friends! We laugh sooo much. She's from South Jordan and is a super great singer and loves everything art and crafty and music. And she love Nutella. She's not a huge sports person, but she motivates me to go work out hard in the mornings.

So some fun things that happened this week: I went to my first bar! While we were riding our bikes we didn't have lights and it was dark and we were flying down a street and ran over a dead nasty squirrel. We painted a less active's living room. I went to my first choir practice ever! It was awful... haha. I found out other churches have classes on how to deal with Mormons and the BOM.

Me and my comp are trying to eat super healthy where we can! Its so awesome to have someone who really wants to lose weight cause then they are eating healthy and its so much easier for me to! The last couple of days have been very challenging, and because of that I have relied so much more on the spirit. Oklahoma sunsets are so gorgeous. Everyone is nice to us sisters!! But sometimes it is frustrating because they are just screening their words (which may be a good thing) but then we don't really know how they feel. and they will take a BOM out of politeness.

Life is good! Life is always good on the mission because we are doing the lords work. I never realized how involved Heavenly Father is with our lives until I came on my mission. I am so grateful for Him and His love. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that lives change as we read the Book of Mormon.

Love you all!!

Sister Smith