Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A Challenge for You

This week has been great! We have really been focusing on less actives. Our bishops vision is go after the low hanging fruit so that's what were doing! We have also been focusing on getting the members more involved and meeting with the auxiliaries in the ward. So even though the relief society president doesn't want to meet with us, we keep calling and leaving her messages about what ladies in the ward we are working with. So hopefully she will open up to us and have a desire to do missionary work.

Sunday was awful. I was so sick and threw up and I have no idea why. And we had to reschedule an appointment. But we did have seven less actives come to church!! And we had met with all of them during the week! Such a huge miracle!!! But today I am feeling a lot better, just super weak cause I haven't eaten anything in the last day and a half.

One of the less actives we are working with said that she couldn't come to church because she didn't have shoes. and she had just told us her husband made bank. That was a lame excuse! So we went to the store with her to buy shoes! it was so awesome- she found such cute shoes that she loved. Also it was fun to go shopping again:) 
even though it wasn't for me haha. so these pics are of us going shopping in her convertible:) so fun!

We had an STM (special training meeting) with out zone, and the zone leaders challenged us to again have a Joseph Smith experience. So this week we went to the temple (its in our area) and we had the opportunity to again pray to know of the truthfulness of this gospel. It was so awesome. I challenge you all to do that, no matter how many times you have already done so. It only increases your faith and love.

When we meet a new investigator, the first lesson we usually give them is the restoration, unless we feel prompted by the spirit to give another. I was reading in Alma 18 and 22 when Aaron and Ammon are each on their missions. They first started out by describing God, that he created everything in the heavens and the earth. Then they begin from Adam and Eve, and read those records and then go into the plan of salvation and then the doctrine of Christ. I love that we follow that same teaching pattern even now on our missions. Christ's church doesn't change.   

Love you!
Sister Smith