Tuesday, December 13, 2016

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PACKAGE!!!!!! yall are so great!!!! 

This week was so good, but also so cold! Would you be able to send my white coat by chance? I know you just sent a package so im so sorry! Even though it was cold and no one was outside so we had to knock a lot of doors, we saw so many miracles. We got so many new investigators!

Our gators are doing great! Pat is in Ardmore for a couple of weeks:( And the gator who took us out to lunch isnt responding to our texts. Her name is Vicki. The missionaries have taught them for forever. And they know its true, but her husband- Charlie- works for his church and so that how they support themselves so I think they are just too scared to leave. 

As my time in Ada is coming to a close, sometimes I look back on it and am disappointed with the progress our gators have made. We only had one baptism and it always feels like Ada is so prepared so sometimes I feel like we should have had more. But as I look back on the small successes- Sonya stopped drinking and smoking after 40 years, kirk loves missionaries and will eventually get baptized, dinesh loves coming to our church ect.- I can see that sometimes we are preparing ourselves, proving ourselves worthy, for baptisms in the future. Sometimes God wants to see that we will work hard even when we dont see a lot of success number wise. 

I think God does that same thing to the rest of us in every part of our lives. We go through periods of time where things dont seem to be working out. maybe we dont get the job we want, or date the person we want, or get a good grade or whatever! but we still need to read our scriptures and pray daily, go to the temple and spend time with family and be happy, and as we do those things, we are proving ourselves for exaltation. 

Ive been thinking about this quote recently by pres howard w hunter. "Please remember one thing. If our lives and our faith are centered upon Jesus Christ and His restored gospel, nothing can ever go permanently wrong. On the other hand, if our lives are not centered on the Savior and His teachings, no other success can be permanently right."

Love yall! Remember to always #LighttheWorld with service every day!!!

Sister Smith