Thursday, July 28, 2016

Hello fam! 

This week was full of biking up so many hills and hilarious awkward moments and people answering their doors with guns. Also I think the members here think the missionaries starve or something.

We had a really cool experience with a less active family that we have been trying to visit. We were talking to a couple of their sons and a friend they had over. As we were talking with them we were able to testify of the importance of missions and the blessings it brings. The spirit was so strong. I know that on missions we have the opportunity to learn so much. Heavenly Father opens the door for us, but we have to be the ones to walk through it. I know being on a mission sometimes may not seem like we are learning anything, but every experience and person you talk to are there for a reason. I testify that the spirit leads and directs each of us, and will always answer our questions. I was watching a talk by Elder Holland he said that we can have what we want or something better. Think about what you want and what heavenly father wants for you, and align your will with His.  

I know sometimes I used to wonder if it was the spirit talking to me or if it was just my thoughts that I thought were from the spirit. We know that by the power of the holy ghost we can know the truth of all things (Moroni 10:5) Pray with saying that scripture and ask a question you have been studying about or needing comfort or whatever, and the first thing that pops into your head is from the spirit. I know that if you have faith that this will work, it will. I had an awesome experience with this. I wasnt sure what we should do about one of our gators and I did that and it worked! So I will follow up with y'all next week. Can't wait to hear that y'all did it!

Love y'all so much!

Sister Smith