Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Pharoah and us, Anything in common?

 Wow this was quite the week!

Here are some of the highlights for the week: We have had lots more storm warnings but we're still alive. Long days biking (its the end of the month so not a lot of miles left haha) but no worries now I have the best tan lines. We had dogs chasing us for miles. We got stood up lots. I didn't get transferred... so I am here for at least another six weeks! We went to the zoo yesterday and to an art festival. Our ward had a fundraiser and the kids taped our bishop to the wall.

This week I was reading in the bible in Exodus about when God commands Moses to leave and Pharaoh won't let them. Each time, God send a disease or gross bugs and stuff and Pharaoh says he will let Moses and Gods people leave if Moses takes away the bugs or disease or whatever. And then, after its gone, Pharaoh says they cant leave! So this happens a few times and finally Moses says that all the firstborn sons will die unless they put the blood of a lamb on their door if Pharoah doesn't let them leave. And once again Pharaoh doesn't let them leave. So all the first born sons die. Finally, Pharaoh begs them to leave. As I was thinking about this,I thought about Pharaoh, and how we are really like Him. Heavenly Father gives us so many chances, and we say we are going to change and do better, and then we go back to our old ways. Heavenly Father sent His son so that we can use the atonement to change for eternity, not just for a few days. Think how in your life Heavenly Father has given you chances to turn to Him. Are you still turned to Him? Are you taking that next step and then the next to bring you closer to Him? How can you more fully apply the atonement in your life?

Thanks for all the emails! 
Love you all! 

Sister Smith