Monday, May 23, 2016


I am doing great! I started reading the bible and its sooooo interesting. I love it.

Im not super stressed right now. I love it. I mean, I am always a little stressed, but that's normal. I just love all of our investigators and want the best for them. I think that's been the hardest part because I can't force them to do anything or feel anything. It has to come from them.
This is us studying, kind of :)

This week has been so so so great!! I definitely realized the importance of planning. We had a family that we are teaching come to church. And because we found fellowshippers for all of them it all ran pretty smoothly! And then after church it went a little downhill. But I know that everything happens either for us or our investigator, so this was just a learning and growing experience. I guess we have a lot of those on our missions.

This week we also talked with a few people who just wanted to bash. It was hard not to bash back, but also just hilarious if you listen to them cause they always contradict themselves:) Also none of them have prayed to ask God if the BOM is true. One funny thing someone said is, "Well if I am praying then I am not showing faith." We literally died!!!

This week I was reading in James. In chapter 1:27 it tells us what pure religion is, serving and keeping yourself unspotted from the world. When we are going through something hard, live this scripture. There is nothing like losing yourself in serving others to get you happy again! I challenge you all to find ways to serve others, maybe that means not complaining or simply sharing a smile or a scripture on social media. But when we do this, we are going to be blessed because God has promised he will, and he will definitely not break His promises.

Love you all so dearly,

Sister Smith