Monday, March 14, 2016

Just "cruisin" into the mission!

This week has been soooo much better than last!

We go out knocking doors probably about four or five hours a day. We do what we call power hours. We go to a members house, so I can get to know them and so we can say a pray to see miracles and to find the people we are supposed to find, and then we knock doors around their house. 

On Tuesday the coolest thing happened. We knocked on this lady's door and she was so willing to talk to us and wants to know more about this gospel! She said that normally she is at work, and that normally when she is home, she doesn't answer her door (that is a common thing in OKC, idk why) and we caught her on a good day so she answered! And so we were just talking a little cause she had a lot of stuff going on that day so we couldn't come in then, but she was asking us questions that she has had her whole life about life after death and what the point of this life is. I was so excited. It is so awesome that our gospel has answers to all those questions and any other questions, and whether they are insignificant or not, you can go to the Book of Mormon to find answers and receive revelation.

On Wednesday, we were trying to contact all of the less actives or part member families and we found another potential! Grace had just moved into a house that a less active had lived in and she is also looking for a church. (Literally everyone has a church here. And they think that by saying, "Oh I'm catholic" will make us leave. haha but we just stand there and keep talking about the BOM. Its so awesome!)

Also this week was the first time someone was rude. I was in the middle of smiling and saying "we are missionaries.." and the lady at the door said ,"not interested" and very forcefully closed the door. It was definitely very eye opening in the fact that not everyone wants God in their lives. Well, they do, they might just not know it.

Have you guys seen the new Easter video the church came out with!? Its on and its so so so good. We are supposed to share this while we are out tracking.

So we are on bikes every other day cause we are in a car share with some elders in our district. Honestly, I don't mind. I forgot how much I love riding bikes. Also at night its the best. My companion doesn't go very fast so its not much of a workout so it just feels like we are crusin'! 

The members are so nice and feed us almost every night. Most of them are willing and excited about coming out with us to teach, but its hard for them to do missionary work by themselves. They get too caught up in life, which I totally understand. We challenge them to do the 21 day promise, which was given by Elder Ballard to the Salt Lake mission. Basically you make a list of people who you think could be open to the gospel and then you pray for them morning and night and read a list of scriptures for 21 days. I think people want to do this, but they just forget.

Also, all the elders after district meeting or zone meetings or on p-days for dinner or lunch or whatever like to go get burgers. So that's gross. But its fun to be with everyone.

Missions are so great!! I would recommend one for everyone!! Love you all and thanks so much for your support!

Love, Sister Smith