Monday, March 7, 2016

Hello from Oklahoma!

I made it OKC! Finally! haha I am loving it so much. A lot of the people here are struggling with really hard things, a lot of which resulted from others people choices. I love them all already. I met most of our ward on Sunday and they seem like they are really awesome. Its a small ward, but I think anything compared to ours in Alpine is small. They feed us almost every night and some lunches too. Its super nice.

So my area is right in the middle of the city! The temple is in our area, but we only get to go every six months.
My trainer, Sis. Erickson, is so awesome. She is so smart in the gospel and is teaching me so many great things. PMG (Preach My Gospel) has the answer to every question I have. Its so cool!! Any future missionary should definitely read it before they go out. I wouldn't worry too much about memorizing the lessons because you get pamphlets that you teach out of that are so awesome. But read the other chapters about finding investigators and the BOM (Book of Mormon) and stuff.

The food hasn't been too bad! They don't have a lot of veggies. Actually like, no veggies. I have been to one dinner that had veggies. and it was an open house type thing with a nacho bar and a veggie plate. haha but mostly they feed us  tacos and a lot of meat. So I have a bag of carrots that I eat when I get home :)

I think the thing that I miss most is cooking! We don't have time to cook. We get to work out at a gym a couple times a week because the owner is a member and lets us go for free. So we shoot hoops and weight lift and stuff. Its pretty great.

We went out knocking on doors and some people can be pretty rude. Its kinda sad. I definitely didn't realize people could be that rude about our Savior, especially cause they all believe in God and Christ.

Our apartment is so nice! But it smells like marijuana. All the time. I think it got into the vents or something cause it never goes away. But  everyone here smokes and does drugs and stuff. Its really sad. And gross. But that just means they need the gospel even more in their lives!!

I am doing great! Loving this so far!! Especially studying in the morning cause I don't feel like I know enough. I love you all!! Let me know if you want me to pray for anything specific.

Sister Smith