Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Good morning!

This week has been fantastic! So full of finding. I love that in Ada its a guarantee that we will talk to a crazie okie (i say that with so much love y'

all have no idea) at least once a day. These are some of my favorite people ever. I hope I never leave Ada. 

How amazing was conference? So so so good. I love Elder Nelson's talk about joy. Let us each more fully bring the Savior into our lives and feel more joy. 

So last week we went fishing on pday again! So fun- but I really dont enjoy touching the fish. But I totally put the worm on the hook and it was a huge fat worm! So gross! I am slowly (very slowly) overcoming my fear of bugs and I guess worms too.

We were teaching a lesson this week and she asked us why do bad things happen to good people. Elder Holland talks a lot about this in a video called "for times of trouble". He says that there is a correlation between suffering and exaltation. There are so many examples of this- Joseph Smith, prophets of old, and ultimately the Savior. And God doesnt leave us alone when we are suffering. He doesnt laugh at us or mock us. Because if He did, what would that say about the savior? That He was laughing at His only begotten? I dont think so. We have to go through hard things to make us become the person He wants us to be. 

We are going to carve pumpkins today with the missionaries from Seminole! Cant wait!

Love yall:) Go share the gospel! 

Sister Smith

ps- transfer calls came! Me and sister herrin are both staying in Ada! yay!! But president asked me to be an STL so if yall have advice please let me know:) Its going to be a huge growing experience!