Monday, August 15, 2016

Hello!! This week has been so full of the spirit! 

On Monday we had a special meeting with our zone and then spent the rest of the day having a water fight and playing games and fun stuff! (don't worry- president approved it:)) 

On Thursday we went to the temple and had another awesome training done by the APs. Every week we get to do an hour of family history so I was able to find a name and take it to the temple. Such a cool experience!

On Friday we had district meeting about suffering. One line that really hit me was, "Either we can suffer a little and others suffer a lot, or we can suffer a lot, and others suffer only a little." 

Sunday was fast sunday!! Such an incredible spiritual boost.

And then to top it all off, the other set of sisters in our district came and had a sleep over with us last night and we had a blast!!! (president approved this too) 

So Tuesday we realized we left our car keys in Sister Nelson's bag that was locked in the church in Pauls Valley.. so we biked all day! It was so awesome! We worked so hard and it felt like we weren't seeing anything happen. But on Wednesday we were able to see the fruits of our success. I know that when we work hard, the Lord blesses us abundantly. We were able to set three bap dates in two hours, and one was a new gator. Such an awesome experience to be led to those who are ready. 

Love you all so dearly, thanks for your support!

Sister Smith

ps- ill send pics next week! forgot my camera :)