Monday, March 21, 2016

Love, Dance, and Pray...

So I have had some pretty crazy experiences thus far... Some old guy was out smoking in his yard so we went up to talk to him. We gave him a Book of Mormon and a picture of the Savior. After a bit of re-explaining (I think he was kinda crazy) he looked at me and said, "ya know, I love you." Another time we were at a members house after dinner with the elders trying to share with him the Hallelujah video, and he kept playing like club music and then all of a sudden he spins and says, "ok, lets party" and like starts dancing and keep in mind that everyone in OK is a little on the chubby side, and he definitely was. It was so hard to keep my laughter in check. Another time we were at Golden Coral cause a member took us for dinner, and after we were talking to a guy who was Jewish and he had talked to some missionaries earlier, but was more interested in the good conversation we bring rather than the gospel, and we somehow got talking about tornadoes cause its tornado season. I said I was super excited to see one, and he looked at me and said, "Gurrrllll, you need prayer" in a super gangster voice. So someone professed their love to me, wanted us to party with him, and said I need to pray more (like I don't already pray a million times a day) haha!!!

Other than that this week was a little disappointing! We had some solid potentials lined up, but like all of them fell through. So we will go check on them this week and hopefully set up more appointments and then have those work! But what I have learned is that if something doesn't work, its because Heavenly Father wants us somewhere else. So I guess applying it to you guys, remember that if something doesn't work out, like getting into Student Council, or AYC, or whatever you are involved in, then you are supposed to be doing something else. Trust in God, and he will direct thy paths.

Also one thing I have really come to see here, is that if you aren't happy with something in your life, then change it. A lot of people here feel like they are stuck in whatever situation they are in. Remember that if you don't like something, set a goal and make specific steps to get there and I know Heavenly Father will help you achieve it.

I will try to take more pics! Its kinda hard to remember! These are both when we were out tracking. Like all of the houses here have brick. I am in a pretty wealthy area.

In my apartment we have so much hot cocoa! Apparently that's like a thing for missionaries. But we seriously have enough to feed our whole ward plus more. So that was surprising.

One thing about my comp that I am so grateful for is her ability to understand peoples questions and answer them in a manner that is simple yet filled with doctrine. 

Also I have done so many embarrassing things this week. I decided missionary work is 95 percent awkward, and the other 5 percent is when we are asleep. But some things that are really awkward happen on the daily. Like we promise to ourselves to talk to every single person we see. So when we are biking, we bike past, and then remember, and turn around and they are just looking at us.

Sister Smith